CPS HR Consulting

California Notary Exam


Exam Materials

Please review the following materials to help prepare for the exam:

Please view the Notary Public Handbook for laws and important information. The exam is based on the information contained in the handbook.

Complete and print the Notary Public Application here. You must carefully review the application instructions (starting on page 2) to ensure the application is fully and correctly completed; errors on the application will result in a significant delay to your commission.

Attach to your application a 2×2 color passport photo and certificate of completion. These documents are required; failure to provide these documents will result in significant delays to the processing of your commission.

The required fee is payable at the exam site by check or money order in the amount of $40 for new and reappointments, and $20 for retakes. Checks/money orders must be made payable to Secretary of State.

Review test information here.

Bring these items with you to your test.

To view information on qualifications to obtain a notary public commission, click here. Be sure to check out the Notary Public Check List to make sure you have completed all of the necessary tasks to obtain a commission!