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CPS HR Consulting

Personal Info Opt Out


Some states provide residents or, in some cases, their authorized agents, with the right to opt out of the “selling” or “sharing” of their personal information, or of “targeted advertising” based on their personal information.

Certain data collection and processing on our sites and applications for purposes of interest-based advertising and social media tools may be deemed by applicable state laws as “targeted advertising,” or a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information. To submit a request to opt out of targeted advertising, or the sale or sharing of your personal information, you may click the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link in our website footers or in our application settings. Please note that your opt-out choice is specific to the digital property and to the device and browser you are using. If you access other digital properties of CPSHR.US, you will need to make a separate election for each. Also, if you clear your cookies on your browser or use another browser or device, you may need to opt out again. You may also choose to provide the information requested in this opt-out form, which may enable us to take action on your opt-out request more broadly than for a specific digital property.

You may choose to enable online, where available, a universal tool that automatically communicates your opt-out preferences, such as the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”). We will process the GPC signal as a request to opt out. You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of your privacy rights. For more information about how we collect and use personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy.