CPS HR Consulting

How to Register


Exam FAQs

The federal Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, also known as Title X, requires all states to have lead certification programs that are at least as protective as the Federal certification program. Because the Federal certification program requires individuals to pass a proficiency exam in order to become fully certified, California’s lead certification program must do the same.

California requires certification exams for Lead Abatement Inspector/Assessors, Lead Abatement Supervisors and Lead Abatement Project Monitors. There are separate exams for each of these three types of certifications. Lead Workers are not required to take a certification exam.

CPS HR Consulting is the contractor that CDPH has chosen to administer the exams. This company has extensive experience administering many types of licensing and certification exams in California. This is the only company who offers California’s approved lead certification exams. Passing a certification exam offered by another company or another state will not make you eligible for lead certification in California.

The certification exams consist of 100 to 125 multiple-choice questions. They are offered in English and the Supervisor exam is also offered in Spanish. None of the exams include any “hands-on” or performance testing.

CPS HR Consulting offers the exams quarterly at testing sites in Northern and Southern California. Exams are generally held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (subject to change without notice). Please see schedule for more information.

Effective July 1, 2020, a fee of $70 is required to be paid prior to taking each State certification exam.

Once you have registered to take the exam you will be instructed to mail your exam fee directly to CDPH.

Exam fees must be received by the payment deadline and are to be made payable by check or money order payable to CDPH – CLPPB.

Candidates who do not pay by the deadline will not be permitted to test.

Please mail checks to:
California Department of Public Health
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 3rd Floor, Box A
Richmond, CA 94804-6403

As of October 2014, we no longer accept requests to administer specially arranged exams at CPS or a candidate site.

As of October 2014, we no longer accept requests to administer personally arranged exams at CPS or a candidate site.

Yes, with appropriate documentation of the accommodation, CPS HR Consulting can provide ADA accommodations for those with special needs. CPS HR requires a request in writing with the exam date as well as your contact information. You must also provide a letter, on official letterhead from your doctor of clergy identifying the accommodation required. This documentation must be provided during the registration period.

No. The exams for Lead Abatement Supervisor, Lead Abatement Inspector/Assessor, and Lead Abatement Project Monitor are each separate. If you want to get more than one of these certificates, you must take a separate exam for each.

Study guides are available on our website under the “Study Guide” link. They are also available at the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch website at www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/CLPPB

You may take the exam on any of the scheduled dates with CPS HR Consulting. You need to take and pass the exam before you apply to CDPH for certification.

Please click here to learn how to register.

To be admitted into your exam, you must show one of the following:

Current state-issued driver’s license or DMV identification card
Current U.S. or foreign issued passport
U.S. Military identification card issued within the past 5 years
Consular ID (Matricula Consular)

If you cannot properly identify yourself, you will be denied entrance into the exam.

Exam results are available approximately 10 business days after they exam date. Results are sent via email and postal mail. Once available, you may view your results notification online. Select the “My Account” link located in the toolbar on the bottom of the page. Once logged in, select “View Notifications” to see a copy of your exam results letter.

If you fail an exam, CPS HR Consulting will tell you how many questions you got correct and how many you missed on each of the topic area sub-sections of the exam. For exam security reasons, however, they cannot tell you which questions you missed.

There is no waiting period to retake the exam, however, you must register as described above. It is strongly recommended that you take sufficient time to thoroughly study using the study guides prior to retaking an exam.

CPS HR Consulting will send a copy of your exam results to you. Please send a copy of these results to CDPH. Once you have received notice that you passed your exam you may apply for certification. CDPH will then review your experience, training, and education to determine if you meet all of the requirements for certification.

No. You must apply to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for certification.

Apply to CDPH after CPS has notified you that you have passed the exam

Exam results are available approximately 10 business days after the exam date. Results are sent via email and postal mail. Once available, you may view your results notification online. Select the “My Account” link located in the toolbar on the bottom of the page. Once logged in, select “View Notifications” to see a copy of your exam results letter.

ince each candidate’s request for accommodation is unique to the individual, CPS HR recommends consulting with the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) and your agency’s legal counsel for more detailed information of possible testing accommodations. Although CPS HR does not have established standard procedures, it is generally recommended that the agency ask that the candidate provide details on the requested test accommodation and proof of disability (e.g., a doctor’s note providing documentation of a disability). Some of the more common accommodations may include testing the candidate in a separate environment away from other distractions, providing a reader, or providing extra time to complete the test.

For visually impaired candidates, CPS HR does offer large print test books and/or answer sheets for an additional fee. For more information on our large print test books, please contact us at (916) 263.1800 or testrental@cpshr.us.