CPS HR Consulting


2020 Talent Management Grant

Who Is Eligible?

Any government agency in the United States

Description and Purpose of Grant

CPS HR Consulting continues its grant program for the encouragement of innovative Human Resources (HR) practices in the public sector. It is the mission of CPS HR to further the discipline through support of personnel programs and initiatives. The purpose of this grant program is to support excellence in HR through recognition of contributions to public service that foster quality, fairness, equity, and solutions to organizational needs. The $20,000 grant will be offered to agencies demonstrating the promotion of such objectives through the implementation and utilization of innovative human resource programs. Coinciding with its inaugural Client Conference, CPS HR has awarded a grant since 2017 to a qualified applicant. CPS HR may not offer grants in any given year if there are insufficient applicant proposals meeting grant criteria.

Eligibility Requirements

The agency selected for the CPS HR Talent Management Innovation grant will be responsible for using the funds to establish a unique or innovative HR-related program within their agency. Meeting the following requirements i s necessary to be eligible for grant consideration:

  • Be a governmental agency in the U.S.
  • The funds must only be used for internal staffing and expenses (not external consultants).
  • The implemented program must be new to the agency and linked to the agency's future goals or strategic plan.
  • The program must be outcome-based (result-oriented).
  • The agency must be able to demonstrate where and how the funds were used.
  • Within eight months of receiving the grant, the agency awarded will be expected to design and implement the program so that the results can be published.
  • The agency must publish their results with sufficient detail to enable other agencies to use the program as a model.
  • The winning agency is expected to attend the Accelerate 2020 CPS HR Conference being held February 5 - 7, 2020 in the Napa Valley.

Application Process

Interested agencies should submit up to a five page description thoroughly discussing the following issues:

  • Project title.
  • History and mission statement of the agency.
  • Current departmental, human resource concern(s) or problem(s).
  • The innovative HR-related program to be undertaken within the agency.
  • Population served by the agency.
  • Number of paid full/part-time employees and volunteers.
  • The project's intended start and end date in Month/Day/Year (mm/dd/yy) format.
  • The methodologies that will be used to develop, implement and promote the program.
  • A description detailing how the intended results or outcome of the program and how it is linked to the agency's goals or strategic plan.
  • A description of how the effectiveness of the program will be measured, the measures in pace to gauge the results and the method to be used for quantifying the program's success.
  • Additional funding, if any, that will contribute to the objectives of the project. Be sure to include: Name of funder, amount of funding and where funding this funding is directed.
  • Any publicity plans that will promote the program and grant, other than those events as stipulated for this grant.
  • A monetary breakdown of the project's budget.

Application Deadlines

Please submit your proposal by 5:00 p.m. (PST) on December 6, 2019 to:

CPS HR Consulting
Attn: Jason Litchney
2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 160
Sacramento, CA 95834
Email: jlitchney@cpshr.us
Phone: (916) 471-3383

Note: Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt. you will be notified of the results of the application review on or about January 10th, 2020. the successful grantee will be announced at the CPS HR Talent Management Conference in Napa Valley being held February 5 - 7, 2020 and the funds will be forwarded to the recipient in March, 2020.

Grant Application Form

Complete the form below and email it as an attachment to Jason Litchney at jlitchney@cpshr.us.

Download Application - Word Format
Download Application - PDF