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CPS HR Consulting

DEIB Learning and Education

CPS HR has developed a comprehensive DEIBB learning and education platform. We provide a variety of customizable training options that cover a variety of DEIB topics. In addition, we offer a 7 module Cultural Intelligence (CQ) training series that can be customized to fit your specific organizational needs.

Cultural Intelligence Series

In the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) workshops, participants will learn how to successfully create “safe spaces” in which, the conversations of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, are encouraged to take place with the intent of creating connection, belonging, and safety for everyone. Participants will learn the critical distinctions between “acknowledgment” and “agreement” in creating this optimum work and learning environment. These sessions will highlight high-performing organizations that have successfully adopted cultural intelligence staff development tools to operationalize diversity and inclusion strategies. 

Session 1: Introduction to Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient (CQ) is having the capacity to relate and work effectively with different groups of people and across cultures (including Big-C “Culture” and little-c “culture”). Cultural intelligence articulates core competencies and skill sets that allow organizations the ability to cultivate and develop effective DEIB tools for its team members and leaders. Cultural intelligence goes beyond cultural awareness and political correctness. This module will examine the various elements of cultural intelligence and how to operationalize it in an organization. 

Session 2: Developing Language of Cultural Intelligence -Building a Living Glossary 

Understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion in thepost-2020 world requires a new language to effectively communicate through the lens of cultural intelligence. This language reflects a judgment-free perspective that serves to bring different groups of people together through a common understanding and appreciation of the lived experiences of others. This module will educate the participants on the common language of DEIB to create a common understanding and common connections among divergent groups of people within an organization. 

Session 3: Understanding Implicit Bias Through the Lens of Cultural Intelligence 

All human beings operate with varying degrees of implicit bias. Implicit biases are unintended people’s preferences that could adversely impact the effective operations of any organization. This module will explore the various types of implicit bias, micro-behaviors, and the proper ways to address and resolve issues that arise from this mindset. 

Session 4: How to Create Sustainable Change 

High-performing organizations are not only focusing on the diversity of their workforce but also on how that workforce reflects a culture of equity and inclusion. Inclusion addresses how well the organization shares power, access, and resources with all elements of the workforce, particularly those elements which represent marginalized and/or underrepresented groups of the organization. This module will discuss effective ways in which organizations may become more inclusive through operationalizing DEIB into every business unit of the organization. 

Session 5: Managing Conflict Through the Lens of Equity 

When organizations commence the DEIB journey of transformation, there will be conflict in order to break through the barriers to creating an inclusive organization. This module supports people and organizations in managing expectations for success and provides tools and resources for navigating conflict within individuals, groups of people, and organizations. 

Session 6: Mastering the Art of Crucial Conversations  

It is essential to learn how to have hard conversations that address the current environment of social justice and racial equity. We will explore topics like cultural intelligence, acknowledgment vs. agreement, Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter, how to be an ally, and the best way to address employees. This module will share practical and timely guidance on how to engage employees around the complex and passionate issues related to systemic racism, the need for transparency and accountability in police practices, and the need for civil discourse. 

Session 7: It’s a Marathon - Not a Sprint - DEIB Panel 

This module will bring together a panel of subject matter experts to share practical experiences about the journey of organizational transformation. The panel members will share successes, setbacks, and other experiences they’ve encountered on the DEIB journey. Participants will have an opportunity to connect with these experts to gain practical wisdom on the keys to implementing a successful DEIB program. 

Cultural Intelligence Training For Elected and Appointed Officials

Because we are a public agency dedicated to serving the public sector, we understand the unique needs of elected and appointed officials, including but not limited to Mayors, City Council members, Boards of Supervisors, County commissioners and other elected and appointed government officials. The purpose of this training is to enhance leaders’ cultural intelligence to support engagement with constituents and diverse communities. By developing a deeper understanding of various cultures, customs, and perspectives, participants will acquire and develop practical tools to have effective crucial conversations with constituents, build trust, and foster collaboration within their communities.

Session 1:

Learning Objectives: This module will educate the participants on the foundation of cultural intelligence and the common language of DEI to create a common understanding and common connections among divergent groups of people within an organization.

Session 2:

Learning Objectives: This module will explore the various types of implicit bias, micro-behaviors, and the proper ways to address conflict with equity tools.

Session 3:

Learning Objective: This module will share practical and timely guidance on how to engage others around the complex and passionate issues related to systemic diverse issues, the need for transparency and accountability in police practices, and the need for civil discourse.

DEIB Lunch and Learn Training Series

Our DEIB “Lunch and Learns” Series is designed to be informal learning and education opportunities. Our Lunch and Learns are designed to be facilitated during the lunch hour. Clients can choose to customize discussion topics and/or pick from our list below: 

Discussion Topic: Ethnicity & Race 

This topic provides an overview of what is discussed in Cultural Intelligence Session 1 then goes into a deeper dive into discussions around the nuances between race and ethnicity. 

Discussion Topic: Implicit Bias &Microaggressions

This topic provides an opportunity to have deeper and more focused discussions around bias and subtle acts of exclusion (microaggressions).

Discussion Topic: Gender Expression and Gender Identity

This topic provides an opportunity to have deeper and more focused discussions around gender expression and gender identity.

Discussion Topic: Inclusion and Belonging

This topic provides an opportunity to have deeper and more focused discussions around what it means to create meaningful “belonging” in an organization.

Additional Learning and Education Courses 

Understanding Gender Expression and Identity Through the Lens of Cultural Intelligence

This training has been designed to cultivate greater awareness and understanding of the social construct of gender. Participants will have the opportunity to learn basic terminology and a general understanding of gender identity and gender expression through the lens of cultural intelligence.

Compassion Fatigue; Balancing Organizational Initiatives withCapacity 

This training is designed to provide participants with knowledge and understanding related to the concept of compassion fatigue. Participants will learn how to define compassion fatigue, how to recognize signs of compassion fatigue, and the difference between burnout and compassion fatigue. The course also engages participants in mindfulness exercises and reflection experiences centered around mental health and wellness and concludes by providing participants with coping techniques to overcome compassion fatigue. At the conclusion of the training, participants will understand how to balance personal and organizational initiatives with capacity and will be prepared to make necessary adjustments to move forward in healthy and productive ways. 

Generational Diversity and Beyond: Bridging the Gaps acrossMultigeneration in the Workplace 

This interactive training explores the definition and understanding of generational diversity as it applies to the workplace. Through group facilitation and interactive exercises, this course will provide generational insights to both the workplace and the global community, while providing best practices that are designed to increase positive engagement and help reduce generation-based stereotypical thinking. 

Bias and Beyond: A Deep Dive Discussion on Bias through the Lensof Cultural Intelligence 

In this training, participants will have the opportunity to have deeper conversations related to implicit bias, described as unintended people preferences that adversely impact individuals, and how to go beyond bias to create effective workforce optimization. Participants will learn to recognize personal biases and be provided practical tools on how to stay grounded in cultural humility, resolve conflicts, and obstacles that may arise from a biased perspective.  

Microaggression and Beyond: A Deep Dive Discussion onMicroaggressions through the Lens of Cultural Intelligence 

This training will provide participants with a deeper understanding of microaggressions and its adverse impact on others in the workforce. The training will help participants understand, identify, address microaggressions, and provide actionable strategies to address microaggressions as an ally and/or leader. The course will provide meaningful strategies for responding to and healing from microaggressions. 

Leading Beyond Trauma in the Public Sector 

This training is designed to provide participants with an understanding of trauma-informed practices in the public sector. The training will support participants in developing skillsets that foster an equitable and inclusive culture in the workplace through the lens of cultural intelligence. The training defines key terms related to trauma-informed practices and explores the relationship between trauma-informed practices and the workplace.