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CPS HR Consulting
CPS HR offers a comprehensive range of career development courses for both organizations and individuals. The CPS HR experts can even assess your current training plan and recommend a strategy to improve your team’s success in the public sector.

Need executive coaching services? Uncover your potential and move your career forward with one of our executive coaches. Using various assessments and focused conversations, our coaches will help you reveal what it will take to enhance your performance, create a plan to get there, and work with you to provide guidance, support, and built-in accountability.

  • Assessment tools
  • One-on-one sessions
  • Leadership development plans
  • Supplemental support

Each coaching session consists of development planning, thought-provoking learning and self-discovery, tracking and gauging progress, sustaining momentum and renewing commitment, harvesting learning and applying lessons back on the job. Our coaches engage in direct and candid conversations with the coachee that result in the design of an overall approach and program of coaching strategies specific to the person being coached.

Strategies in coaching sessions include:
  • Perceptive questioning
  • Driving accountability
  • Focused problem solving
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Job imbedded application
  • Individual Development Planning
  • Other methods to assist the success of the coaching relationship
Common challenge areas that our coaches address include:
  • Finding and working with blind spots
  • Managing change
  • Relationship-building and collaboration
  • Communication skills
  • Dealing with conflict
  • Performance management
  • Goal-setting
  • Strategic planning
  • Dealing with conflict
  • Self-image and self-confidence
  • Meeting management and facilitation

Our coaches have both coaching and organizational development backgrounds with extensive experience to address behavioral, emotional and business issues. With various certifications and years of experience coaching, they regularly facilitate breakthrough performance for our clients.

Find out how CPS HR
Consulting can help you

Every business has unique HR needs. Working together we’ll find the right solution to achieve your goals.

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