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Redefining Public Sector Employee Experience

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics research, the median tenure, a key factor in the employee experience, for public sector employees is 6.5 years. This is several years longer than the median tenure of private-sector employees. It is taken for granted that public sector employees are incredibly loyal. Unfortunately, that means we think about their employee experience far less. What would it look like if the public sector employee experience was redefined?

The Importance of Employee Experience

Before we dive into reimagining the public sector, we have to take a few moments to understand employee experience. Employee experience is all about the path that employees take in your organization from candidate to ex-employee.

From the moment you hire an employee, you are creating an experience for them. You are teaching them how to act, solve problems and excel within your organization. It’s also an emotional experience. You are hoping that each new hire enjoys working with your organization. You’re trying to build a positive experience during every part of the process, from hiring and onboarding to performance reviews and workforce management. This experience extends far past the day they leave your workplace—especially when considering sites like Glassdoor, which have a big impact when your hiring pool is small. For tools and strategies, visit our Employee Engagement Overview.

Reimagining the Public Sector Employee Experience

Reimagining the public sector employee experience starts with small, impactful changes. By focusing on key elements—people, workplace, workforce demographics, technology, data, well-being, and organizational mission—public agencies can enhance their employees’ daily experiences. To learn more about trends shaping public sector experiences, see our article on the Great Resignation’s impact on the public sector.


Managers and colleagues have a huge impact on your employees. There is even a popular saying that people don’t leave their job; they leave their managers. Public sector work is all about service. Your employees get to make a difference to your community every day. If redefining people relationships isn’t a part of your employee engagement plan, you’ll be missing out.


COVID-19 unarguably transformed traditional workplaces, prompting public sector employers to prioritize safety and flexibility. Offering remote and hybrid options where possible can help foster a safer, more adaptable work environment.

According to our report, Leading Through A Pandemic: The Impact Of COVID-19 On The Public Sector Workforce, employees want to keep remote work options on the table (at least part of the time). 86% of our respondents felt good about working from home, and 85% of our survey respondents wanted to continue working from home at least part-time after it’s possible to return to work.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “about 3 in 4 government workers were age 35 and over, compared with about 3 in 5 private wage and salary workers. Older workers crave stability, and they can be extremely loyal, but you should create an environment that encourages these types of employees to stay and work for your organization.


As government employees get back to the office, it’s important to revisit the technology that public sector workers are exposed to.  Video conference platforms like Zoom, team communication apps like Microsoft Teams and Slack and online collaboration tools like digital whiteboards are essential to running day-to-day practices in the public sector if you move to a hybrid workforce. We should ensure that our teams understand these digital tools and feel comfortable using them when working remotely.


Data is essential for assessing workforce health and employee experience in the public sector. Metrics like engagement, turnover, and training effectiveness provide insights into workforce needs. By consistently collecting and analyzing this data, agencies can make informed decisions to enhance employee satisfaction and retention.


Public sector roles vary widely, from desk-based to physically demanding jobs, making employee well-being a priority. Providing resources on fitness, stress management, and work-life balance can support both mental and physical health, helping employees cope with job demands and avoid burnout.


Many public sector employees are greatly motivated by an organization’s mission: its core values and purpose for being. Is your organization communicating its mission effectively?  When redefining your employee experience, it might be time to look at how your employees connect with the organization and what drives your department forward. Make sure that remote employees feel connected to your mission through strategic company-wide and one-on-one communication. For leadership insights, explore our public sector executive search firm guide.”

Key Takeaways on Improving the Public Sector Employee Experience

Improving public sector employee experience is an evolving process. By implementing small, strategic changes, agencies can steadily enhance workforce satisfaction and engagement. Visit CPS HR Consulting for a full range of resources and support in building a future-ready workforce.