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CPS HR Consulting
HR department workloads are increasing, with literally no end in sight. We offer an affordable outsourcing solution for public agencies that just don’t have the time, staff or resources to do everything themselves. Outsourcing can improve efficiencies, save money and help you focus energy and resources to shift your organization to a higher level of performance.

Performance management is a holistic process that aims to meet organizational goals strategically through the effective management of employees. CPS HR teams with you to build performance management systems that support your mission while providing the tools, techniques and processes to ensure feedback, recognition and development input for staff. CPS HR can design or upgrade your performance appraisal tools to provide the flexibility and defensibility you need in a public-service environment with complex regulation. Components of a sound performance management process include clear performance expectations, consistent feedback, performance appraisals based on measurable behaviors, employee recognition and training and development.

performance management

This is how CPS HR
Consulting can help you

Every business has unique HR needs. Working together we’ll find the right solution to achieve your goals.

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