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CPS HR Consulting

Compensation Studies

HR department workloads are increasing, with literally no end in sight. We offer an affordable outsourcing solution for public agencies that just don’t have the time, staff or resources to do everything themselves. Outsourcing can improve efficiencies, save money and help you focus energy and resources to shift your organization to a higher level of performance.
In order to ensure appropriate compensation for a given job classification, compensation studies are conducted to gather relevant data about certain job classifications within an organization. CPS HR Consulting has decades of experience in the development and execution of compensation studies and strategies. We apply that experience to understand your organization's compensation objectives, research options and provide practical solutions for the development of a total rewards/compensation policy. Once the policy has been established, CPS HR consultants undertake the full range of study options, such as:
  • Developing study communications strategies
  • Designing and distributing survey instruments to collect the required salary and benefits data
  • Auditing, reviewing, and validating compensation and benefits data
  • Customized base salary and total compensation data sheets generated from its Compcalc data reporting system
  • Developing salary recommendations