CPS HR Consulting

Kristen Haynie

B.S. in Business (Finance) and Economics from California State University, Chico

Kristen has had the pleasure to have experienced, contributed to, and become an expert in several areas of human resources. She has also represented both management and labor, providing her with a unique view of how to reach agreements from small issues to negotiating a multiyear contract. The highlights of Kristen’s career include: managing a 501c non-profit organization; negotiating thirteen labor management contracts and numerous side letters; researching, lobbying and presenting critical changes for implementation during the term of the contract; manage a team of labor relations professionals; oversee and manage change management efforts from development to negotiated implementation; overseeing and influencing CalPERS health benefit and CalHR dental and vision design changes; negotiating and implementing classification revisions and classification consolidations to improve member career development and improve salary negotiation outcomes; prepared numerous duty statements; managed the internal investigations team handling sexual harassment and hostile work environment complaints; handled Skelly hearings and SPB disciplinary hearings; prepared termination adverse action packages; and handled payroll and related issues, reasonable accommodation, parental leave agreements, and short term and long term leaves of absence. Since working with CPSHR Kristen has worked as a consultant at numerous state departments and taught courses on Human Resources, Employee Relations, and Contract Negotiations.