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Environmental Health Specialist

Pre-Approved Distance Learning Courses

Pre-Approved Distance Learning Courses

The only course approved as a lecture/laboratory combination is Physics for Health Professionals – PHYS 1010 from the University of New England.

The courses listed below may only be used to satisfy the lecture portion. All Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology and Organic Chemistry laboratory sessions must be completed in a traditional classroom setting.

The Environmental Health Specialist Registration Program offers the following list of pre-approved distance learning courses, in most of the core science subjects and environmental coursework, to satisfy the educational requirements of Health and Safety Code 106635.

The existing protocol for the REHS program to approve new correspondence or online coursework (lecture only) requires a request for approval submitted to the REHS program and an individual review of the course syllabus and content, in order to determine whether the course meets the standards approval. This applies to courses that have already been completed and/or courses in which one plans to enroll. All coursework must be completed at a regionally accredited institution.

MICROBIOLOGY (Lecture session only)
MIC 100 – Microbiology (4 semester units), Trident University International
MICR 230 – Basic Microbiology (3 semester units), University of South Dakota
BIOL 1020 – Microbiology for Health Professions (3 semester units), University of New England
BIO 340 – Microbiology (3 semester units), University of Phoenix

MATH 110 – College Algebra (3 semester units), BYU Independent Study
MATH 1050 – College Algebra (4 semester units), Utah State University
MATH 1050-C – College Algebra (4 semester units), The University of Utah
MATH 220 – College Algebra (3 semester units), University of Phoenix

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Lecture session only)
CHEM 150 – General Chemistry I (4 semester units), University of Phoenix
CHEM 151 – General Chemistry II (4 semester units), University of Phoenix

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Lecture session only)
Introductory Organic Chemistry X18 (3 semester units), University of California, Berkeley
CHEM 1020 – Medical Organic Chemistry I (4 semester units), University of New England

BIOLOGY (Lecture session only)
BIOL 211, XW – Principles of Biology I (3 semester units), Iowa State University
BIOL 212, XW – Principles of Biology II (3 semester units), Iowa State University
BIOL 1009 – General Biology (4 semester units), University of Minnesota
BIO 350 – General Biology (3 semester units), University of Phoenix

PHSCS 105 – Introductory Applied Physics (3 semester units), Brigham Young University
PHSCS 121 – Principles of Physics (3 semester units), Brigham Young University
PHYS 1010 – Physics for Health Professionals Lecture/Lab (4 units), University of New England

The following courses apply only to OPTIONS III and IV. General science credit for Options I and II is not granted for these courses because they are considered applied science.

STAT 2000 – Statistical Methods, Utah State University
BHS 220 – Introduction to Health Statistics, Trident University International

PUBH 4040 – Fundamentals of Epidemiology, Utah State University
BHS 210 – Introduction to Epidemiology, Trident University International
MPH 504 – Epidemiology, Trident University International
HLTH 345 – Principles of Epidemiology, Brigham Young University

EOH 408 or EOH 508 – Environmental/Occupational Health Administration – Trident University International

EOH 402 or 502 – Fundamentals of Environmental and Occupational Health – Trident University International
EOH 410 or 510 – Environmental and Occupational Health Regulations and Standards – Trident University International


Clackamas Community College
Distance Learning
Phone: (503) 594-6310

Utah State University
Distance Education Office
5055 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-5055
Phone: (435)797-9700 or (800) 233-2137

Trident University International
College of Health Sciences
Phone: (800) 375-9878 or (714) 226-9840

UC Berkeley Extension
Administrative Office
1995 University Ave., Suite 110
Berkeley, CA 94704-7000
Phone: (510) 642-4111

Louisiana State University
Independent and Distance Learning
1225 Pleasant Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: (225) 578-3171 or (800) 234-5046

University of Minnesota
Independent and Distance Learning
20 Classroom Office Building
1994 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612) 624-4000 or (800) 234-6564

University of Phoenix
University of Phoenix
4035 S Riverpoint Parkway
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Phone: (866) 354-1800

Iowa State University
Distance Education
102 Scheman Bldg.
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: (800) 262-0015

Weber State University
Distance Learning Office
4005 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408-4005
Phone: (801) 626-6600

University of New England
COM Online Education
Phone: (207) 283-0171

The University of South Dakota
Sanford School of Medicine
Tony A. Slieman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Division of Basic Biomedical Sciences
Email: (Primary Contact)