Risk Management Practitioner (RMP)

The program consists of the following five days of critical content and application. To register, click on each course below.
1. Overview Of Public Sector Exposures & Risk Management
2. Insurance Administration, Annual Renewal, and Risk Transfer
3. Property & Liability Claims, Safety & Loss Control
4. Workers' Compensation
5. Disability Management & Early Return to Work
To learn more about each course, click below.
Overview of Public Sector Exposures & Risk Management
This workshop is designed to help public entity practitioners manage their organization’s risk and exposure by ensuring a basic knowledge of the relevant laws, foundations, and applications of Risk Management as a profession. Participants will also gain key concepts and tools related to the unique loss exposures faced by public entities.
Learning Objectives
- Acquire a sound, contextual understanding of how Risk Management impacts the overall financial health of public entities
- Define and explain the purpose of Risk Management in the public sector, comparing and contrasting “Traditional” with “Enterprise” Risk Management
- Define the core competencies of the Risk Management profession
- Explain how the historical development of Risk Management in the public sector has evolved into today’s practices
- Explore the pros and cons of different ways to practice Risk Management within a public entity
- Explain basic concepts of laws and regulations that commonly involve public sector risk management, such as Public Records Act Requests, the Brown Act, and HIPAA
- Learn and apply the fundamentals of Root Cause Analysis in the context of Risk Management
- Demonstrate understanding of the components and purpose Certificates of Insurance
Insurance Administration, Annual Renewal, and Risk Transfer
This workshop will help public entity practitioners learn about the complex, and sometimes confusing, world of insurance to protect their organization and manage risk. The workshop will also help participants successfully administer their organization’s insurance and self-insurance programs.
Learning Objectives
- Increase their knowledge of primary insurance, excess insurance, and risk-pooling Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs)
- Gain strategies for building more effective relationships with insurance brokers
- Identify and explore risk transfer options (insurance, self-insurance, and pooling)
- Increase their understanding of deductibles and self-insured retentions
- Demonstrate an understanding of the contractual transfer of risk process
- Use loss runs and actuarial studies to make more informed decisions
- Identify contractual language that could either lessen or increase risk
- Use data to select appropriate ancillary services, loss control, and safety training
- Identify key steps and decisions in the program placement and annual renewals process
- Use Certificates of Insurance as a critical means of ensuring risk transfer and complying with contract terms
- Become familiar with the importance of procurement and individual agency insurance requirements (verifying, reducing or waiving)
Property & Liability Claims, Safety & Loss Control
All public entities will suffer a loss eventually. Insurance usually will pay for losses, but it does not prevent them. This workshop will help public entity practitioners plan for and mitigate losses to their organizations. Participants will learn how to identify and evaluate their agency’s particular loss exposures, while putting into place sound loss control measures. In addition, this workshop will increase participants’ effectiveness in managing first party property and third party liability claims. This includes gaining an understanding of the California Government Tort Claims Act and how to navigate the gap between the purpose of the law and its practical application.
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of First Party vs. Third Party Claims
- Increase their understanding of Torts (Intentional Acts, Negligence, and Strict Liability)
- Become familiar with the California’s Government Claims Act and its implications for Risk Management
- Demonstrate an understanding of relevant Claims Investigation activities
- Improve your understanding of litigation management (defense counsel and claims examiners)
- Understand Settlement Authority in public entities
- Learn the importance of prevention through safety training, compliance, and CalOSHA adherence
- Explore current trends and management of unique and evolving risks in the public sector
Workers' Compensation
This workshop will help public entity practitioners understand the purpose and history of Workers’ Compensation and gain a deep understanding of the legal work that includes enforcement agencies and the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). Participants will learn how to effectively administer standard workers’ compensation and employer’s liability policies within their agencies. This will include claims administration issues such as recordkeeping, reserving, and various audits, including actuarial reports.
Learning Objectives
- Gain insight into the development and history of Workers’ Compensation
- Identify benefits available to injured workers, along with the core concept of “exclusive remedy”
- Increase your knowledge of California-specific laws and regulations, including the Labor Code, the Code of Regulations, and important administrative players, such as the WCAB
- Increase your awareness of the employer’s duty to secure the compensation insurance and the various forms of permissible insurance, including self-insurance and pooling
- Become familiar with the principle of “AOE/COE” – Arising out of Employment/Course of Employment
- Become familiar with the principles of claims investigation, including: acceptance, delay and investigation, or denial; the use of “sub rosa” or surveillance
- Explore the components of temporary disability, salary continuation and coordination of benefits including Labor Code section 4850 (Public safety/law enforcement employees and relevant previsions of the California Education Code
- Learn the components of working with Workers’ Compensation within the public sector
- Understand affirmative defenses for employers
- Understand the use of settlements including compromise and release, stipulations with future medical and the use of structured settlements
- Explore litigation within Workers’ Compensation
- Enhance Awareness of supporting agency interests through appointment, contribution and subrogation
Disability Management & Early Return to Work
This course provides an overview of disability management. Public entity practitioners will learn about both “industrial” (work-related) and non-industrial injuries, and explore the similarities, and distinctions between temporary modified duty and “reasonable accommodations.” Participants will learn about the relevant state and federal legal works, and explore the intersection between medical limitations and workplace disabilities, as well as the benefits of maintaining an effective Early Return-to-Work (ERTW) program. Specific information reviewed will include federal and, state laws and regulations, employer and third-party programs, employment practices law, prevention and wellness programs, vocational programs, and administrative case management practices. Case studies and practice scenarios will be included.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the differences between industrial and non-industrial injuries, temporary modified duty and reasonable accommodation, medical limitations and disabilities
- Become aware the interactive process of ADA and FEHA
- Increase your understanding of early return-to-work and alternative job placements
- Learn the importance of systems and record keeping
- Learn best practices for responding to California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints
- Gain insight into the coordination of leave administration, including the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and local union/contractual provisions
- Explore Ancillary Workers’ Compensation discrimination liability: Labor Code 132a claims
For more information, contact the CPS HR Training Center at 916.263.3614 or trainingcenter@cpshr.us.