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CPS HR Consulting

Probate Referee Exam

Written Qualifying Examination

Written Qualifying Examination

EXAMINATION DATE: Saturday, April 12; Sunday, April 13; Monday, April 14; and Tuesday, April 15, 2025

(applicant chooses ONE date)

OPENING FILING DATE: February 1, 2025
FINAL FILING DATE: March 21, 2025

All applications must be received by the final filing date. Applications arriving through the mail after the final filing date will not be accepted for any reason. Candidates may send applications via certified mail or utilize other tracking services to ensure delivery. You may access the application below.

Applications must be filed by mail to:

CPS HR Consulting
Attn: Probate Referee Program
2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 160
Sacramento, CA 95834
Telephone: (916) 263-3624, select option #4
California Relay Service from TDD: 1-800-735-2929


An examination fee of $75.00 (check or money order made payable to the Office of the State Controller) is required of each applicant and must accompany the application. This fee is not refundable.


Please note that five (5) letters of recommendation from the references you list on your application will be required to be considered for an appointment. All letters are to be received by the State Controller's Office no later than March 21, 2025. Send letters to: State Controller's Office, Attn: Probate Referee Program, 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1850, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Candidates will have two hours and thirty minutes to complete 100 multiple-choice items. The exam will be administered by CPS HR Consulting via online exam through ProctorU. ProctorU is a live online proctoring service that allows you to take your exam from the comfort of your home or office.

To take an exam with ProctorU you must have access to the following:

• A reliable computer with a microphone and a webcam
• Windows or Apple Operating System
• A high-speed internet connection
• A private, distraction-free area

Please visit this links below to view additional information about equipment requirements and supported devices prior to registering.

ProctorU Equipment Requirements
What to expect on exam day (Guardian Workflow) – ProctorU 


Notices will be e-mailed to those accepted into the written examination prior to the written test and will include information about the online exam and a link to schedule your testing session with ProctorU; you must schedule your proctoring session at least 72 hours in advance of your desired appointment time.

Reasonable accommodation may be made for circumstances such as religious convictions or physical conditions. A written explanation and request must accompany the application.

See: for additional information.

 A practice exam is available here.